Friday, November 18, 2016

Sree Guru Charitra Parayanam

To me, performing the Sree Guru Charitra Saptaha Parayanam has been a practice for years. I have performed it successfully countless times and am continuing to do so as it gives me mental peace despite my busy schedule. And every time I finish performing the parayanam, I am left with more energy and fulfillment.

Sree Guru Charitra as the name suggests is the Charitra (story/history) of Sree Guru (Sree Dattatreya and his two incarnations in Kaliyuga, Sree Pada Sree Vallabha and Sree Nrusimha Saraswati).

You need to have the "Sree Guru Charitra" book to perform the parayanam. It is usually sold in all Sai Baba temples. If not, you can find it here. You can download and take a print out.

It can be completed either in 7 days (Saptaha) or a fortnight (15 days- Dwisaptaha) over which the entire book of 52 chapters needs to be read.

You can read it once or twice a day (reading some chapters for the day in the morning and remaining in the evening) as per your convenience.

A lot of people might be confused with the number of restrictions that are put in place during parayanam. The book suggests we should be sleeping on floor, be sexually inactive, eat only dal and roti which are actually a little difficult these days.
Take me, for example- I am a working woman, managing both home and work. And I am asthmatic, so can't really sleep on floor. There is a solution for people like us.

In the same book, it is clearly written that we don't need to follow all these but still get the same results.

This is how I do. Trust me, I follow only certain practices, but still I am sure the impact I get is much more than many people who follow all these. Because to me, it's more about faith.

  • I start it on Thursday and try to finish the day's chapters in one go. On each day, I first recite the astotharalu and then begin with chapters for that day.
  • I perform the parayanam after having bath and before breakfast. I have a cup of milk in the morning because we need strength to read the book.
  • I refrain from consuming non-vegetarian food till I complete the parayanam (usually a week).
  • The book of 52 chapters has to be finished by the following Wednesday.
  • On the following Thursday, I offer naivedya (some sweet) and offer for Annadan in some temple. I usually pay to Shirdi Sansthan Online for Annadan.
If you have any questions, you can drop them in comments and I will get back to you.

May the Lord bless this World!!

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